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By design, the Ukraine was to become a major partner in the European H2 hub for transport. Another crucial setback for some years.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Jan 11th, 2023 at 02:30:54 PM EST
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That pitchbook is dated 2020. I've even posted a few which also pre-date the MidCat fiasco.

I do not understand that UNPROVOKED WAR IN UKRAINE was ever a barrier to value chain income collected by these downstream European "hub" operators now raising public and private capital investment to convert existing fuel refining P&E for cracking and storing (grey | blue | pink | green) hydrogen. Conspicuously absent in these presentations (sponsored by Ukrenergo) are requisite, "competively priced" supply chain infrastructure ownership, construction, and operations.

For thirty-one years, Ukraine neither produced nor exported fuel of any significance other than coal to Europe's "energy" grid. Instead Ukrainian TSOs collected pipeline transit fees from Russian suppliers who built that infrastructure yet failed to maintain its "renewable" power plant legacy.

This model shows that during 2020-2050 in Ukraine must be put into operation 88.8 GW installed capacity of renewable energy sources for domestic consumption. [p 12]

Some one explain, Why @Equinor, @RWE_AG, @Shell, @Gasunie, #Eneco hedge funds would abandon "reliable" TTF supply chain "partners" around the world to replace them in Ukraine?

by Cat on Wed Jan 11th, 2023 at 04:09:24 PM EST
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Green hydrogen depends on massive oversupply of wind generation capacity during "peak wind" conditions (when the grid doesn't need wind generation, you use it to make H2 because the marginal price of the energy is close to zero). It's definitely a Good Thing, and probably the Next Big Thing for road transportation of goods (H2 is VERY high energy density by weight, better than diesel, but poor energy density by volume, so not suitable for cars or, um, aeroplanes)

SO... indeed, Ukraine never a player. Until they have massive eolian capacity on the Black Sea.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Thu Jan 12th, 2023 at 11:12:39 AM EST
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