Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
nationalpost reuters | UK training Ukrainians to fight in 'Western way' with less ammunition - minister, 15 Feb value chain
British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said on Wednesday.
Wallace said Britain had been buying and trading ammunition "that is Soviet" in standard while also helping the Ukrainian military convert to unlock "access to our ammunition stocks."

"At the same time we're training to make sure it's used in a way that's very productive and accurate," he said.

"The Russian or the Soviet way of fighting is very ammunition heavy, massive artillery barrages, and that's never how we have organized ourselves to fight in NATO," he said.

yahoo! Kyiv Independent | How many missiles does Russia have left?, 13 Jan
...Western claims that Russia is running out of advanced, high-precision missiles have floated in the news since March [2022]. But more than 10 months into the all-out war, Russian missiles continue to rain down on Ukrainian cities.
The short answer is, no one outside Russia has indisputable numbers on its stockpiles and production rates. Ukraine released figures but they have not been independently verified. There are also estimates from Western analysts relying on observable clues.
Many estimates agree on one thing: Russia's strategic bombing campaign is burning through missiles at an unsustainable rate. If it keeps going, Russia should come to a point where it won't be able to launch mass strikes every 1-2 weeks anymore, even if it keeps dipping into its strategic reserves.

Ukraine says that this point is just three mass strikes away. ....

21 to 42 days?
by Cat on Thu Feb 16th, 2023 at 03:37:21 PM EST
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