Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
are academic considering "sustainable" G7 cash flow and moral hazards. Nonetheless ...

reuters | War with Hamas to cost Israel above $50 billion, Calcalist reports, 5 Nov

srael's war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip will cost as much as 200 billion shekels ($51 billion), the Calcalist financial newspaper reported on Sunday, citing preliminary Finance Ministry figures. The daily said the estimate, equal to 10% of gross domestic product, was premised on the war lasting between eight to 12 months; on it being limited to Gaza, without full participation by Lebanon's Hezbollah, Iran or Yemen; and on some 350,000 Israelis drafted as military reservists returning to work soon.
sample pages from Calcalist's book of business...
War doesn't bother Israel's Cyber: Billion-dollar Purchases in a week, 6 Nov
In the midst of a fierce war in the Gaza Strip and unrelenting fire in the north, the American cyber giant Palo Alto Networks in Israel acquired two cyber companies for more thanליארד 1 billion in cash. "We'll see more deals....
opEd |  continue to endanger Israel even after the war, 7 Nov
Sowing panic during fighting is a serious criminal offense as instructed by Article 103 of the Penal Code, but this risk must be taken and warned now: Netanyahu and his Kahanist allies do not intend to go anywhere after the war. On the contrary, their grip on power will only tighten....
From Iron Dome to David's Sling: What does the U.S. aid package include?
...The aid package will benefit Rafael Advanced Combat Systems as well as U.S. defense giant RTX, which owns Raytheon, and Pratt & Whitney and will provide the components for the missiles. Israel and the U.S. signed a joint manufacturing agreement in 2014 that allows the components to be ...
The Finance Committee approved the compensation plan for the business sector at a cost of NIS 15 billion
...As part of the program, businesses with sales turnover of up to NIS 400 million will receive compensation for declining revenues during the war period, if revenues were affected by at least 25%. The compensation will be based on the fixed expenses of the business, and will include compensation of up to 22% of these expenses. At the same time, self-employed people with incomes of up to NIS 300,000 will receive grants according to a formula based on the depth of the income impact. The program also includes relief in receiving unemployment benefits for wartime veterans...
by Cat on Wed Nov 8th, 2023 at 09:09:37 PM EST

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