Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
by Cat on Tue Feb 7th, 2023 at 02:26:40 AM EST
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UN Charter, Art.106-107, JOINT FOUR-NATION DECLARATION, October, 1943 in re: "Hitlerites"
The governments of the United States of America, United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China; United...
APsplainin Bulgaria bans neo-Nazi event after public outcry, 25 Feb 2023
The event has been condemned by human rights groups, political parties, and foreign embassies, which criticized the march organizers for promoting racism, xenophobia, [possibly fascism,] and antisemitism. Nationalists gathered in front of the prosecutor's office to protest [la omerta].

Meanwhile, dozens of anti-fascist activists staged a rally against the nationalist event, insisting that neo-Nazis should be banned. A heavy police presence blocked any clashes between the two sides.

Held annually since 2003 [!], the march over the years has attracted nationalist admirers of Gen. Hristo Lukov, who supported Germany during World War II and was killed by an anti-fascist resistance movement. The general served as war minister from 1935 to 1938 and led the pro-Nazi Germany Union of Bulgarian Legions from 1942 until his death in 1943.

Organizers deny that Lukov was antisemitic or that they are neo-fascists, insisting that the general was a war hero and a true Bulgarian patriot and claiming that the descendants of the [communist partisan] murderers of Lukov are afraid of the event.

The creation of monuments in Bulgaria and the celebration of the Day of Homage and Gratitude are not isloated eppisodes. Since the global economic crisis that began in 2008, governments and coporations are especially eager to remind the public about the evils of communism. In 2009, the European Union created a new holiday to be marked each year on August 23: the European Day of Rememberance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism. In that same year, the American Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation launched a virtual Global Museam on Communism, "an international portal created to honor the more than 100 million victims of communist atrocities." In June 2013, a Madrid court order the dismantling of a monument that commemorated the sacrifies of the International Brigades who fought against Franco in the Spanish Civil War.
archived 24 May 2022 HUMANITARIAN CRISIS
by Cat on Sun Feb 26th, 2023 at 06:32:31 PM EST
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stars & stripes | Protest by Kremlin supporters draws 2,500 outside Ramstein Air Base gate
Organized by a mix of German right-wing politicians and Russian expatriates, the protesters made their way from Ramstein's small train station toward the main gate of Ramstein Air Base, the largest U.S. Air Force installation in Europe.

Focused on Russia's war in Ukraine, the protest attracted droves of people who share the organizers' pro-Kremlin views. They also included nuclear disarmament advocates and anti-vaccine activists. German police estimated a crowd of 2,500 people at its peak, according to a statement Sunday....

foreignbrief | Anti-Ukraine war protest to begin in Germany
The rally is expected to occur outside NATO's Ramstein Air Base, under the slogan "Stop the export of NATO weapons to Ukraine to prevent the Third World War". While the protest is organized by pacifist organizations, there have been suspicions that they have been influenced by Russia in an effort to sow discontent over military aid being provided to Ukraine....
by Cat on Sun Feb 26th, 2023 at 11:50:27 PM EST
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presstv.ir | Thousands in Italy protest West's weapons supplies to Ukraine as war enters 2nd year
A march was held in Rome under the name "Europe for Peace", with contributions from non-governmental organizations. The anti-war protesters also held demonstrations in Milan, Italy's second-largest city, Pisa, Florence, and Lecce among several other cities. ...In Genoa, people took to the streets and chanted "Exit Italy from NATO", calling for Italy's withdrawal from the European Union and NATO. Other slogans such as "Down the guns, raise the wages" were also shouted....
Politico.eu.com | In show of solidarity, Belgium protests against Russian President Putin's invasion
by Cat on Mon Feb 27th, 2023 at 12:03:03 AM EST
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