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From my diary @BooMan ...

Saudi King Excoriates Prince Salman on Israel Comment | Apr 3, 2018 |

Saudi King Salman reaffirmed support for Palestinians to US President Donald Trump, state media said, after his son and heir apparent said Israel has a "right" to a homeland.

The king "reaffirmed the kingdom's steadfast position towards the Palestinian issue and the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital," the official Saudi Press Agency said.

The king also emphasised the need to advance the Middle East peace process in a phone call with Trump, which came after Israeli forces killed 17 Palestinians last week during a demonstration on its border with Gaza.

Saudi Arabia and Israel have no formal diplomatic relations, but behind the scenes their ties appear to have improved in recent years against what they see as a common Iranian threat.

Saudi crown prince: 'Israel has right to exist in peace' | Ynet News |

"Our country doesn't have a problem with Jews. Our Prophet Muhammad married a Jewish woman. Not just a friend--he married her," he insisted. [Muhammad "took" her after Battle of Khaybar - Oui]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Mar 15th, 2023 at 11:25:11 PM EST
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