Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Black unemployment is at a RECORD LOW -- but 'horrible' work conditions still ensnare many, 12 Apr
Black unemployment has fallen, but a gap still persists

Friday's jobs report showed the [U-3] unemployment rate tick down to 3.5 percent from 3.6 percent as the economy added 236,000 jobs in March.

The unemployment rate for Black workers dropped to 5 percent from 5.7 percent, or about 1.1 million people -- the lowest rate on record, according to [BLS] data compiled reported by the St. Louis Federal Reserve.

GTFO. 5.2% (TRUMP 2020) v 5.1% (BIDEN 2023)?! Here's yer "gap". Now do U-6.
[FRB Chairman Jerome Powell] said this was due to factors "embedded" in the U.S. economy but did not provide further details
"a routine life event for low-skilled black men" since 1789: Try to act surprised.
Here's how policymakers have failed many Black Americans

One of the reasons labor conditions for people with criminal records can be so bad is that not much is actually known [?!] about them  as a segment of the population, which makes it difficult for lawmakers to design laws and policies that serve their needs.

Whose needs?
BLS, Monthly Employment Situation Summary (Mar 2023), 7 Apr
BLS, Labor force characteristics by race and ethnicity, 2021, Jan 2022
BLS, Labor Market Activity Of Blacks In The United States (2019), Feb 2020 p 15, illustrated
Black rates are higher at all alternative measures of labor underutilization

For all of the alternative measures, the rate for Blacks was higher in 2019 than for the population overall. The broadest alternative measure, U-6, was μ 11.0 percent for Blacks, compared with 7.2 percent for the over[]all population.

3 R's: racism, republic, rents
wapoo | Mexico rebukes GOP push to deploy U.S. military against cartels across border, 10 Apr
whitehouse | FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces Strengthened Approach to Crack Down on Illicit Fentanyl Supply Chains, 11 Apr
by Cat on Wed Apr 12th, 2023 at 12:27:36 PM EST
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