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Ukranews | Occupiers Took Away More Than 100,000 Children From Donbas For "Treatment" - National Resistance Center, 12 Apr abductions
..."The enemy plans to spend RUB 1.4 billion on the program of "medical examination," which is carried out by brought doctors. After the review, the vast majority of children are ordered "treatment" in the Russian Federation, which parents cannot refuse, BECAUSE then they are threatened with taking away parental rights," the report said.

It is noted that 75,000 children have been "inspected" in the Donetsk Region since the beginning of the year, as a result 39,000 children have been taken to Russia. In the Luhansk Region, 94,000 children were "examined," "pathology was found" in 66,000 of them, after which they were taken to Russia....

by Cat on Thu Apr 13th, 2023 at 03:10:57 PM EST
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