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G7 energy, environment leaders haggle over climate strategy, 15 Apr sales kit
Energy and environment ministers from the [Gang of Nine] wealthy nations met on Saturday in northern Japan, seeking to reconcile the world's heavy reliance on fossil fuels with the urgency of ending carbon emissions to stave off the worst consequences of climate change.
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Speaking on the sidelines of the meetings, US Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry said the G-7 was "powerfully positioned to be able to lead" in the effort to stem global warming. "We appreciate Japan's leadership and its stewardship of G-7 this year."
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But differences persist over how and how quickly, carbon emissions can be erased, especially at a time when THE WAR IN UKRAINE has deepened concerns over energy security, complicating that effort.
The G-7 nations hope to lead by example, US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said: "We expect that those countries see that this can be done and the nations that have the wherewithal to make these investments to first out give hope to others to be able to do it as the technology lowers the cost [?!]."
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There's a strong business case for climate-friendly policies, Granholm said, given the estimated €20 trillion global market in ["]clean energy["] by 2030.

"People see people getting jobs in this area. People who start to drive electric vehicles and don't need to pay gasoline prices know that it's much cheaper to drive EVs. It's all becoming obvious to people," she said while touring the Suiso Frontier, the world's first and only liquid hydrogen carrier, a showcase of the latest technology for what Japan's leaders call a "hydrogen society."

The Suiso Frontier has been built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) to transport liquefied hydrogen from the Port of Hastings, Victoria [AU], to Kobe, Japan.
All together, now: Thank you for our hydrogen society, PUTIN!
by Cat on Sat Apr 15th, 2023 at 07:37:06 PM EST
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