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S&P Global Commodity Insights, 17 Apr
Commodity: Metals
Region: EMEA, Asia

The following black mass symbols have been created in market data category BAT (Battery Metals). They will appear on following Publications: Platts Metals Daily, Platts Metals Weekly, Platts Metals Monthly, and Platts Battery Metals Weekly publications.
BAT LBMCA00 c 0 DW CNY MT LFP Black Mass DDP China Percent Lithium Yuan/MT ... BAT NBMCC03 c 0 MA N/A PCT Ni-Co Black Mass DDP China Nickel Payables MAvg
BAT NBMED00 c 0 DW USD MT Ni-Co Black Mass EXW Europe Calculated Price USD/MT ... BAT NBMEB00 c 0 DW N/A PCT Ni-Co Black Mass EXW Europe Cobalt Payables .... BAT NBMEA00 c 0 DW N/A PCT Ni-Co Black Mass EXW Europe Lithium Payables ... BAT NBMEC00 c 0 DW N/A PCT Ni-Co Black Mass EXW Europe Nickel Payables

ahjgroup | Black mass and the battery revolution: An overview of experimental research conducted by Alfred H. Knight, 10 Jan 2023, illustrated
...An anticipated shortfall in the availability of battery minerals is predicted by some investigators to result in a greater reliance on the recycling of end-of-life (EoL) LIB. Experimental research commissioned and conducted by Alfred H Knight and our partners explores the phase characteristics of the commercially important intermediate material, known as 'black mass.'

'Black mass' is the industry term used to describe a type of e-waste comprising crushed and shredded EoL battery cells. It contains mixtures of valuable metals including lithium, manganese, cobalt, and nickel.

Initially, waste batteries are collected, sorted, discharged, and disassembled. This is followed by mechanical crushing, drying, sorting sieving and pyrolysis to 700°C [1292°F!] to remove any remaining electrolyte and potentially hazardous to health fluorine-containing components. The resulting material is what is referred to in the battery recycling industry as 'black mass'....

by Cat on Mon Apr 17th, 2023 at 04:27:44 PM EST
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