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On enhanced interrogation (torture) ... when Dianne was young

.. as she grew older she grasped what Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld had been up to.

Do watch those leftists in the party ..

OPINION: Democrats' skepticism of Feinstein well-founded

Much of this distrust is centered on still-unanswered questions regarding her decision to support President George W. Bush's request for authorization to invade Iraq, which her main challenger--California State Senate leader Kevin De León--raised during his convention speech prior to the vote where he outpolled the incumbent by a sizable majority.

Following the state convention, there were a number of media analyses which claimed that Feinstein receiving only 37 percent support among convention-goers was due what was referred to as opposition by the "far left" of the party.

However, there is nothing "far left" about opposing candidates who effectively reject the prohibitions in the United Nations Charter and the Nuremburg Principles against any country invading another regardless of the humanitarian, strategic, economic and environmental consequences.

Keeping the DNC honest  ... forget it!!

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Apr 17th, 2023 at 05:09:41 PM EST
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