Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
fmprc | President Xi Jinping Holds Talks with Brazilian President Lula da Silva, 14 Apr
...The two presidents also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis. Both sides agreed that dialogue and negotiation is the only feasible way for settling it and that all efforts that are conducive to its peaceful resolution should be encouraged and supported. They appealed to more countries to play a constructive role for a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. The two presidents agreed to stay in communication on the issue....
gov.br | Brazil-China Joint Statement on combating climate change, 14 Apr
  1. Developing countries require predictable and adequate support from developed countries, including climate finance at the necessary and commensurable scope, scale and speed, as well as access to technology and markets to ensure and enable their sustainable development. Considering that the implementation of a just transition to a low carbon and climate-resilient economy in developing countries will cost trillions, as presented in the first Report on the determination of the needs of developing countries related to implementing the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement, we continue to be very concerned that climate finance provided by developed countries continues to fall short of the USD 100 billion per year commitment, as it has every year since the goal was set in 2009, even as the actual amount needed far surpasses that commitment. We urge developed countries to honor their unfulfilled climate finance obligations, and to commit to their new collective quantified goal that goes well beyond the floor of USD 100 billion per year and provide a clear roadmap of doubling adaptation finance. Such provision of means of implementation for developing countries is the climate ambition the world needs in order to strengthen implementation of the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement.
  2. We are determined to contribute to a successful COP28 with the focus on implementation, in Dubai, later this year. As the main mechanism for promoting implementation and ambition on all aspects of the Paris Agreement under the UNFCCC, the Global Stocktake must be effective in assessing and identifying implementation gaps within the climate regime, whilst prospectively laying the foundations for developed countries taking the lead in emission reduction and fulfilling outstanding gaps in means of implementation for developing countries.
gov.br | Joint Communiqué between the Federative Republic of Brazil and the People's Republic of China on the Deepening of their Global Strategic Partnership - Beijing, 14 April 2023
  1. Both parties have agreed to continue the fruitful cooperation held between the two countries within the G20 framework. China expressed its support to the Brazilian G20 Presidency, to begin on 1 December 2023, seen as an opportunity to strengthen the priorities of developing countries within the group. Brazil and China share the view that the G20 is the main forum for dialogue and structural cooperation on economic, trade, financial and development issues. Both countries will work for the group to contribute more and more to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.
  2. Both parties stated that dialogue and negotiation are the only viable way out of the crisis in Ukraine and that all efforts leading to a peaceful solution to the crisis must be encouraged and supported. Brazil received in a positive way the proposal by China that offers reflections conducive to the search for a peaceful solution to the crisis. China received in a positive way the efforts by Brazil in favour of peace. The parties made an appeal for more countries to play a constructive role in the promotion of a political solution to the crisis in Ukraine. The parties decided to keep in contact on this matter.
gov.br | Brazil signs agreements worth BRL 62.5 billion with China and the UAE - and Lula highlights the country's role on the international stage, 17 Apr
G20 FOR PEACE - Answering journalists' questions on the subject, Lula stated that the nations of the world that do not want war should unite to try to restore peace between Russia and Ukraine. "We rapidly established the G20 to try to save the economy during the 2008 economic crisis. Now another G20 must be created to end the war and establish peace. This is my intention and I think we'll succeed at this great effort. We're meeting a group of people who'd rather talk about peace than war, and I think it'll work out," declared the president.


  1. As hosts of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) this year, the UAE welcomed the announcement of Brazil's candidacy to host COP30 in 2025. Both countries expressed their willingness to work together to ensure that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's multilateral process paves the way for course correction in climate action and ambition. Both parties agreed to sustain a regular dialogue and discussed their respective initiatives to address climate change and drive sustainable development in all nations.
  2. Recognizing the important role that multilateralism can play in addressing global challenges, the two leaders stated their intention to strengthen cooperation in multilateral institutions and international organizations. As non-permanent, elect members of the United Nations Security Council [UNSC] for the 2022-2023 term, both countries agreed to advance fine-tuned communications and consultations on regional and international issues that are of mutual concern within the United Nations Security Council's framework.

    Both parties agreed to pursue cooperation in the context of the United Nations Security Council on shared priority topics such as women, peace and security, promotion of tolerance and coexistence, conflict prevention and peaceful solutions, peacebuilding and peacekeeping—as well as to address issues such as intolerance, hate speech, discrimination and all forms of extremism, and improve the Security Council's working methods and procedures.

    Recognizing that the United Arab Emirates will hold the presidency of the United Nations Security Council in June 2023, and that Brazil will hold the same presidency in October 2023, both pledged to mutually support each other's presidencies. Both parties agreed on the critical role of the UN Peacebuilding Commission and expressed support for its mandate and its bridging role with key UN bodies.
euractiv reuters | Lula calls for 'peace group' to broker Ukraine-Russia deal, 17 Apr
...The Brazilian president told reporters in Abu Dhabi, where he finished a trip to Asia, that he was trying to gather a group of leaders that "prefer to talk about peace rather than war."

He cited Xi and the president of the United Arab Emirates [UAE], Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, both of whom he met this week. Lula had previously said the group should gather countries not "encouraging" war, adding that nations that are supplying weapons should be convinced to stop doing so....

by Cat on Mon Apr 17th, 2023 at 09:40:09 PM EST
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