Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
hudson.org | The Future of Iran: A Conversation with Reza Pahlavi, 15 Jan 2020, A/V, transcript
Mr. Pahlavi is the most prominent Iranian opposition figure and, increasingly, a unifying symbol among Iranians who seek to replace the current regime with a secular liberal democracy. He is uniquely positioned, therefore, to shed light on Iran at the crossroads. Can it manage the unprecedented series of historic challenges that it faces? How will it seek to break out of the corner into which President Trump [!] has maneuvered it? And what strategy should the United States adopt to achieve the best results for itself and the Iranian people?
September 2022
As Iran protests turn violent, hundreds of thousands turn out for counter-rallies in Crisis as Discipline
February 2023
oligarch and autocrat fan club in Munich Security Conference 2023: Visions and eNtiTiES
March 2023
Joint Trilateral Statement by the People's Republic of China, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Islamic Republic of Iran in China Mediates Between Iran and Saudi Arabia

April 2023
Peace In Middle East Seen As Threat to Israel in U.S. Will Be Ousted From Middle-East
jpost | 'Our nations can live in peace,' son of Iran's Shah says in Israel visit, 17 Apr 2023

"We are very happy to be here and are dedicated to working toward the peaceful [and] prosperous future that the people of our region deserve," he tweeted on landing in Ben-Gurion Airport where he was greeted by Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel who had arranged his visit.
al-monitor | Son of Iran's shah Pahlavi arrives in Israel on controversial visit
Announcing his visit to Israel on Sunday, Pahlavi touted his message of seeking to overthrow Iran's rulers. "I want the people of Israel to know that the Islamic Republic does not represent the Iranian people," he said. Over the years, he had expressed his support for normalizing ties with Israel and also his support of the 2020 Abraham Accords [!].
almayadeen | Occupation Intelligence Minister: "Proud" to host Pahlavi in ​​"Israel"
... She added, claiming that "Pahlavi symbolizes a leadership different from the leadership of the ayatollah regime, and leads the values ​​of peace and tolerance," considering it "the first step to rebuilding relations"....
by Cat on Wed Apr 19th, 2023 at 12:45:23 AM EST
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euronews OpEd | As its Crown Prince, I want to see a new, democratic Libya and a stronger Europe, 19 Apr
...My late father, Hasan el-Senussi, Libya's Crown Prince, is key to this lineage of nationhood, as is our family. Our family history is one of tenacious defence of the Libyan nation. His predecessor, the Libyan King Idris, presented Libyans with a choice after World War II. They chose unity, bringing together the region's three political subdivisions into one kingdom. And they chose -- with the full endorsement and utter personal commitment of their new king, his advisors, and his family -- a democratic constitution, one that protected the rights of minorities and guaranteed freedom of conscience. They created the structure within which parliamentary democracy and representative government could flourish....
by Cat on Fri Apr 21st, 2023 at 01:18:50 PM EST
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Coronation gives tourism boost, but UK economy still reeling
"Brand Finance says the monarchy boosts the U.K. economy to the tune of 500 million pounds a year, more than making up for the estimated 350 million pounds it costs taxpayers."
by Cat on Tue Apr 25th, 2023 at 04:52:16 PM EST
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