Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Politico.eu.com | China LASHES OUT at von der Leyen over FIERY remarks, 31 Mar
Ursula von der Leyen isn't making friends in China.

The Commission president did not pull any PPUNCHES in  a speech Thursday about China -- sparking BLOWBACK from Chinese diplomats.

archived Mercator Institute for China Studies, sepulchre of Max Kohnstamm (986 views)
Fu Cong [23.12.22], China's ambassador to the European Union, tweeted Friday he was "a little bit disappointed."
archived europarl.europa.eu 2021,"The CAI is therefore on hold...."
"That speech contained a lot of misrepresentation and misinterpretation of Chinese policies and the Chinese positions," Fu told state-owned broadcaster CGTN. "Whoever wrote that speech for President von der Leyen does not really understand China or deliberately distorted Chinese positions," he added.
@Wang Lutong, director general for European affairs at the Chinese foreign ministry, warned the EU was playing a dangerous game.

"The #EU side talks a lot about de-risking recently," Wang wrote on his personal Twitter account. "If there is any risk, it is the risk of linking trade with ideology and national security and creating bloc confrontation."

archived baoforum | 2023 BFA Annual Forum, 28-31 Mar "de-risking"
by Cat on Sat Apr 1st, 2023 at 04:53:38 PM EST
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CNN | French presidential source: China could be only country to have "a game-changer effect" on war in Ukraine, 31 Mar hazardous waste disposal
... The source spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing professional norms, ahead of French President Emmanuel Macron's visit to China.

"It's obvious that China is one of the few countries on Earth -- maybe the only country in the world -- to have a 'game-changer' effect on the conflict, for both sides," the source said.
Macron will arrive in Beijing on Wednesday [5 Apr] to start his visit, one day later than previously announced, and will also visit the southern city of Guangzhou before leaving China on April 8.

With meetings scheduled with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Qiang, Macron aims to "find a space so that we can try initiatives that are useful to the Ukrainian people and then to find a way to identify solutions to end this war in the medium term," the source said.

by Cat on Sat Apr 1st, 2023 at 10:43:00 PM EST
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French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Beijing on Wednesday afternoon for a state visit to China through Friday

fmprc is on holiday, Qingming Festival. Daily press conference resumed on April 6. So ...

In his first speech after arriving in Beijing, Macron said at a meeting with French nationals in the Chinese capital that "China could play a major role in finding a path to peace in Ukraine," the AFP reported.

He also said in his speech at the French Embassy in Beijing that Europe must not "separate" from China economically, claiming that France would "commit proactively to continue to have a commercial relationship with China," the media report said.

F24 | China has 'major role' to play in Ukraine peace effort, Macron says in Beijing
...Macron discussed his trip to China and support for Ukraine during a phone call with US President Joe Biden on the eve of his visit, the White House said....
because neither the embassy nor Élysée have updated PR.
by Cat on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 at 03:10:42 PM EST
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by Cat on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 at 03:54:36 PM EST
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No good cop, bad cop scenario ...

This attitude called by the West has not been written in philosophy of Confucius.

Macron also said in his speech at the French Embassy in Beijing that Europe must not "separate" from China economically, claiming that France would "commit proactively to continue to have a commercial relationship with China," the media report said.

I understood Macron has a steadfast conviction not to make a fatal mistake towards China, as last year stepping into America's war with Russia.

More ...

Xi Offers Europe Good Trade Relationship

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 at 05:44:22 PM EST
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von der Leyen to join Macron
"I don't have a European mandate, as France has its independent diplomacy" (26.02.23)

Power grab
"handing the executive greater [exclusive] competence in the making of foreign policy" (01.04.23)

by Cat on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 at 07:47:28 PM EST
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wicked: "'Do we agree with everything in China's plan position paper?' he said, referring to China's 12-point peace plan [sic] unveiled in February. 'No,' he said. 'However it shows ... a will to play a responsible role and try to build a pathway to peace.'"

That's a hell of a statement by someone funnelling weapons to one belligerant in the Ukraine conflict—'xcuse me: party in PUTIN's UNPROVOKED WAR OF AGGRESSION—while claiming not to be a party either to WAR or political settlement, much less "clinching" an FTA "in principle" with China.

I shudder to learn what insults will dribble from their monolgoues tomorrow.

by Cat on Thu Apr 6th, 2023 at 12:09:01 AM EST
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Army Recognition | List & information French military equipment and weapons donated to Ukraine
According to information published by the French Ministry of Defense, France has already supplied Ukraine with a large quantity of military equipment, weapons, and artillery systems to Ukraine. France also has created a fund of €100 million for Ukraine, to buy directly weapons and other military equipment manufactured by the French defense industry....
wikiwtf | Sovereign country donor
by Cat on Sun Apr 9th, 2023 at 07:56:57 PM EST
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Matina Stevis-Gridneff and Steven Erlanger interview Fu Cong (illustrated with CN-RU state visit "100-year" farewell photo), EMBARGO interview transcript, and substitute bullet points. Self-referential comedy: Links to dated archive.org NYT files, because Yella Cake stories are locked in paid subscriber access; zero links to relevant, public fmprc daily press conferences and diplomatic communiques.

NY Yella Cake | China's Ambassador to the E.U. TRIES TO DISTANCE Beijing From Moscow, 5 Apr LOL!
• "E.U. leaders are struggling to balance"
• "The ambassador downplayed Russia and China's declaration of a 'no limits' friendship last year."
• "He defended the fact that Mr. Xi has not yet called President Volodymyr Zelensk* of Ukraine."
• "China will not provide arms for Russia to use in Ukraine now or in the future, the ambassador said."
• "The ambassador said a speech by the European Commission president revealed incoherence in E.U. policy toward China."
•  "Mr. Fu suggested China was open to a deal with Europe on sanctions and investment." [according to E.U. diplomats in private meetings in recent weeks]
• "The ambassador urged Europe to carve out its own policies distinct from the U.S., striking a key Chinese < wipes tears > talking point."

archived I can tell you that China's relations with Russia are rock-solid.

by Cat on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 at 07:22:43 PM EST
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China Can't Be Peace Mediator for Ukraine, Lithuania Says - FM Landsbergis
"We've already seen that they are aligning themselves, or they want Russia to align to their version of the global order," Landsbergis told Bloomberg TV's Maria Tadeo after a meeting of his NATO counterparts in Brussels. "And definitely in that world order, Ukraine is not able to maintain its full sovereignty."
< wipes tears >
China sees "Russia already as some sort of a satellite. And they currently do not have, but they're planning to have, Russia exactly where they want it," Landsbergis said. He rejected China's proposals for an end to Russia's war in Ukraine. "It's not a peace plan. Definitely," he said. "You cannot have full sovereignty of a country and loss of territory."
Asked about European leaders flying into Beijing with business executives, Landsbergis replied: "Our consumers, people in Europe[,] should not have to pay the price for decisions made during business trips to Beijing." Macron's group includes a delegation of executives from large and small French companies.
Landsbergis said Lithuania had chosen to decouple from China, but that he understood not all countries could do the same. He added: "De-risking cannot be business as usual."
savvy! Netherlands [alias Lithuania] potential test case, my good friend @SecBlinken, Taiwanese Representative office in Lithuania
by Cat on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 at 04:32:50 PM EST
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von der Leyen calls on China to use its influence with Russia to rein in war, 4 Apr
"You cannot be in between -- you cannot be for half of the international order."
by Cat on Tue Apr 4th, 2023 at 03:22:49 PM EST
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von der Leyen speaks with Zelensk* ahead of China visit, 4 Apr
"Ukraine will be an important topic of my meetings with President Xi and Premier Li," von der Leyen tweeted after the call
the EU's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said that China's "position on Russia's atrocities and war crimes will determine the quality of our relationship." Borrell also announced Tuesday that he will visit Beijing next week.
by Cat on Tue Apr 4th, 2023 at 03:37:59 PM EST
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China urges Ukraine peace, but echoes Moscow to EU guests
EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen... appealed to Xi to "bring Russia to its senses, and bring everyone back to the negotiating table."
von der Leyen said she encouraged Xi to call Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensk*, and that the Chinese leader "reiterated his willingness to speak when conditions and time are right."
"Arming the aggressor is a clear violation of international law," she said. "This would indeed significantly harm the relationship between the EU and China," von der Leyen stressed.
European Commission signals game over for China investment deal
"The Comprehensive Agreement on Investment [CAI] did not come up," she told a press conference following her meeting with the Chinese president. .... Von der Leyen said she encouraged Xi to call Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensk*, and the Chinese leader "reiterated his willingness to speak when conditions and time are right."
Chinese President Xi calls for Ukraine peace talks
Macron appealed to Xi to "bring Russia to its senses and bring everyone back to the negotiating table."
Von der Leyen said she encouraged Xi to call Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensk*, and the Chinese leader "reiterated his willingness to speak when conditions and time are right."

"I think this is a positive element," von der Leyen said. Von der Leyen warned China against sending military equipment to Russia, echoing a warning Wednesday by NATO's 31 member governments of "severe consequences" for shipments of weapons or ammunition.

Can Macron and Von der Leyen smooth EU-China relations?
"I know I can count on you to bring Russia to its senses and everyone to the negotiating table," Macron told Xi during their bilateral meeting in Beijing. Von der Leyen shared similar sentiments with the Chinese president.
In a trilateral meeting with Macron and representatives of the European Commission she said that she did not see "decoupling from China" as a viable or desirable strategy for smoothing China-EU relations. But she warned that there were a number of risks and critical imbalances in their economic relationship that should be addressed.
von der Leyen warns in Beijing
"I want to be very clear on that one, that arming the aggressor is a clear violation of international law. It's the aggressor and he should never be armed. And this would indeed significantly harm the relationship between the European Union and China," the European Commission President told reporters in Beijing.
"I did emphasise in our talks today that I stand firmly behind Ukrainian President Zelensk*'s peace plan. I also welcomed some of the principles that have been put forward by China. This is notably the case on the issue of nuclear safety and risk reduction and China's statement on the unacceptability of nuclear threats or the use of nuclear weapons," she said afterward.  ... "China being a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council has a big responsibility to use its influence in a friendship that is built on decades with Russia. And we count on China to really exert also this responsibility and to be very clear in the messaging," she said.
'Bring back China to reason'
A topic that was flagrantly avoided [?] by both leaders during their joint statement was Taiwan, despite Beijing sending warships around the island on Thursday following a meeting in Los Angeles between Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen and US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. ... Von der Leyen confirmed, when asked by Euronews, that the topic was raised [!] during her meetings with the Chinese leadership.

"We all agree that stability in the Taiwan Strait is of paramount importance. We have a very clear interest in preserving this stability, the peace and the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. And therefore, nobody should unilaterally change the status quo by force in this region. The threat to or the use of force to change the status quo is unacceptable. And it is important that some of the tensions that might occur should be resolved through dialogue," she said.

by Cat on Thu Apr 6th, 2023 at 06:28:11 PM EST
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Politico.eu.com | The warm embrace and the cold shoulder: China mines Europe's fractures during joint visit, 6 Apr crisis management
French President Emmanuel Macron was given the full red-carpet treatment.... When European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen arrived, she got the ecology minister -- at the regular passenger exit.

It was a pattern on display again and again on Wednesday and Thursday, as CHINA TRIED TO PLAY DIVIDE AND CONQUER with the two leaders, who had teamed up on the visit to try and present A UNITED EUROPEAN FRONT.
On the homepage of news agency Xinhua, much of the focus on Wednesday centered entirely around Macron and China's ties with France, leaving THE EU an almost invisible subject.

xinhua | Xi holds trilateral meeting with Macron, von der Leyen
...For her part, von der Leyen noted that the EU respects China's history and culture. Frank and constructive dialogue with China and continuous development of EU-China relations are crucial for peace and stability in Europe.
In a separate meeting with von der Leyen after the trilateral meeting, Xi said China has always regarded the EU as a strategic force in the international landscape, and the development of China-EU relations has always been a priority in China's diplomacy.
Von der Leyen reiterated that the EU has no intention to change its long-standing one-China policy, recognizes the government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government representing the whole of China and hopes that the Taiwan Strait will maintain peace and stability....
In other media outlets, von der Leyen was OUTRIGHT VILIFIED—A THEME that has accelerated since the EU chief delivered a < reckless eyeballin' >relatively hawkish speech on China last week.
The Chinese readout of Xi's talks with von der Leyen—their first-ever bilateral meeting—also showed it had been less than amicable.
by Cat on Fri Apr 7th, 2023 at 12:19:52 AM EST
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by Cat on Tue Apr 4th, 2023 at 03:47:21 PM EST
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EU lashes out at China for support of Russia in Ukraine war, 4 Apr
Standing alongside visiting U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Borrell was forceful in his condemnation of a nation that has increasingly moved from being an EU partner to being a rival on the global stage.
by Cat on Tue Apr 4th, 2023 at 03:52:56 PM EST
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No talks w Russia, no negotiation w Putin, we will support Ukraine until all occupied territories are reconquered, including Crimea. Russian naval facilities will be replaced by NATO states' warships.

Kiev, Western puppeteers do everything to prolong conflict, Lavrov says

    "Especially regarding the need to ensure equal and indivisible security for all countries in Europe and in the world in general," the Minister noted. "So far, the peace process has been hindered by Kiev and its Western puppeteers who exert all efforts in order to prolong the hostilities."

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Tue Apr 4th, 2023 at 06:56:56 PM EST
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Quality of EU-China relations to be determined by Beijing's support for Russia, Borrell says
"We also spoke about our continued partnership on economic security. We have serious concerns about the challenges posed by economic coercion, by the weaponisation of economic dependencies and non-market policies and practices, including by the People's Republic of China," Blinken added.
by Cat on Tue Apr 4th, 2023 at 04:03:26 PM EST
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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning's Regular Press Conference on April 4, 2023
Reuters: President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen said in an interview that China should play a constructive role in bringing peace to Ukraine and called on China to rein in Russia's moves in Ukraine. What's China's comment?
Mao Ning: China is not a party to the Ukraine crisis, but a firm supporter and active promoter of the peaceful resolution of the crisis. We are ready to communicate and exchange views with the EU side on the political settlement of the crisis. We also hope the EU will show strategic autonomy and political wisdom and take firm steps toward achieving long-term peace and security in Europe.
by Cat on Tue Apr 4th, 2023 at 08:07:37 PM EST
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by Cat on Tue Apr 4th, 2023 at 08:42:28 PM EST
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by Cat on Tue Apr 4th, 2023 at 08:49:18 PM EST
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Ukraine official names prerequisite for talks with Russia
That's according to Mykhailo Podolyak, the advisor to the head of the Ukrainian President's Office, Ukrinform reports.

"The basis for real negotiations with RF is the complete withdrawal of Russian armed groups beyond the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine in 1991," the official wrote on Twitter.

by Cat on Fri Apr 7th, 2023 at 12:38:45 AM EST
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by Cat on Fri Apr 7th, 2023 at 12:49:33 AM EST
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yeah! for France24 editorial management.

Russia expells German diplomats in 'reciprocal' move

They restisted the temptation to translate "reciprocal" as "retaliation" or "tat-for-tat"

by Cat on Sat Apr 22nd, 2023 at 10:07:15 PM EST
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EU Delegation to the UN, non-voting (undisclosed number of) "observers"
As an observer with enhanced status, the EU has no vote but is party to more than 50 UN multilateral agreements [!] and conventions as the only non-State participant. It has obtained a special "full participant" status in a number of important UN conferences.
from the hypothetical sovereign European Union nation in the UN and US.
The European Union - like the United Nations - has multilateralism in its DNA and carries a special responsibility to advance the shared EU-UN agenda.
APsplainin the sovereignty and territorial border of "the West" to Lavrov.
UN chief and West berate Russia's top diplomat over Ukraine, yesterday today
[wire-tapped] Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called cooperation among the U.N.'s 193 member nations the organization's "beating heart" and "guiding vision," and he warned the Security Council that global collaboration is under the greatest strain since the creation of the United Nations in 1945 on the ashes of World War II.
U.S. Ambassador Linda ["eat muh gumbo"] Thomas-Greenfield called Russia a "hypocritical convener" of the [UNSC] meeting whose "illegal, unprovoked, and unnecessary" war in UKRAINE "struck at the heart of the U.N. Charter and all that we hold dear." Britain's U.N. Ambassador Barbara Woodward said the world has seen "what Russia's idea of multilateralism means for the world" -- the trampling of the U.N. Charter and a war that has brought unimaginable suffering to UKRAINE and been "an unmitigated disaster for Russia, too." The 27-member European Union [Ambassador Skoog?] called Russia's attempt to portray itself as a defender of the U.N. Charter and multilateralism "cynical," saying it is "in contempt" not only of the U.N. Charter but U.N. General Assembly resolutions demanding the withdrawal of Russian forces.
Lavrov said the West is promoting a "rules-based order" where nobody has seen the rules and which bars access to modern technologies and financial services to punish countries it disagrees with. The West has imposed a series of economic sanctions on Russia in response to the invasion of UKRAINE.

"Let's call a spade a spade. Nobody allowed the Western minority to speak on behalf of all humankind," he said.

Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. ambassador, told the council that Russia's actions during the 14-month war show that the invasion of UKRAINE isn't an isolated incident.

"This does not just concern UKRAINE or Europe," she said. "It concerns all of us. Because today it's UKRAINE, But tomorrow it could be another country, another small nation that is invaded by its larger neighbor the West."
There were about 50 countries that spoke, and many pointed to the increasing confrontation among U.N. member nations. They stressed the importance of preserving multilateralism, including by reforming the Security Council to reflect the 21st century world instead of the post-World War II power structure.

BIS (1930 finance): BE, FR, DE, IT, UK, CH
IMF (1944 SDR capital): USD, GBP, EUR (FKA: DE, FR, NL), JPY, RMB (2016)
UNSC (1945 perm veto): FR, US, UK, CN, RU (+15 temp staffers)
NATO (1949 mil): (a/o 2022) AL, ME*, MK*, TR; EU (BE, BG, HR, CZ, DK, ES, EE, FR, DE, GR, HU, IT, LV, LT, LU, NL, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK), EEA (IS, NO), UK, US, CA
CoE (1949 IGO): 46 members + observers
G7 (1975): FR, DE, IT, EU-CO, EU-EC, JP, UK, US, CA
Price Cap Coalition (2022 FTA): US, EU, UK, CA, AU, JP
by Cat on Tue Apr 25th, 2023 at 04:27:17 PM EST
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Politico.eu.com | Biden-von der Leyen 2024?, 30 Apr
The US president has forged personal ties with the EU's top executive. With both facing re-election in 2024, the transatlantic alliance will inevitably be on ["]the ballot["].
Nikkei | Biden's old friend Xi is not the man he once was, 12 Nov 2020
WaPoo | Biden's repeated claim he's 'traveled 17,000 miles with' Xi Jinping, 19 Feb 2021
FOX | Xi calls Biden 'my old friend' after US president had insisted they were not close, 16 Nov 2022
NBC | White House hopes Biden's relationship with Xi can defuse U.S.-China tensions, 15 Mar 2023
In many ways, the personal chemistry between the two is on the ballot. The two leaders have forged strong ties while in office together despite persistent friction between the U.S. and Europe over everything from tariffs to [TAX CREDITS] to ["national"] security deals.

Europe comish | Name Your 'Portfolio'! 4 Oct - 9 Nov 2019
by Cat on Sun Apr 30th, 2023 at 03:04:56 PM EST
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