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euronews OpEd | As its Crown Prince, I want to see a new, democratic Libya and a stronger Europe, 19 Apr
...My late father, Hasan el-Senussi, Libya's Crown Prince, is key to this lineage of nationhood, as is our family. Our family history is one of tenacious defence of the Libyan nation. His predecessor, the Libyan King Idris, presented Libyans with a choice after World War II. They chose unity, bringing together the region's three political subdivisions into one kingdom. And they chose -- with the full endorsement and utter personal commitment of their new king, his advisors, and his family -- a democratic constitution, one that protected the rights of minorities and guaranteed freedom of conscience. They created the structure within which parliamentary democracy and representative government could flourish....
by Cat on Fri Apr 21st, 2023 at 01:18:50 PM EST
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