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aftershock.news | Horizontal skyscraper for 9 million inhabitants takes shape (photo gallery)

[machine translation] The Line project, first unveiled in 2021, is part of the Neom initiative in northwest Saudi Arabia. Neom is part of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 program to diversify the economy and reduce dependence on oil.

The city will be a straight "line" of two wall-like skyscrapers connected by bridges and an open space between them. They want to place residential, retail and entertainment areas, schools and offices in the buildings, and plant a large amount of greenery and parks in the open air. The buildings are planned to be clad with mirrored facades to emphasize the unique character of the project and blur the line between architecture and nature. An underground transport system running along the entire length of the megastructure will make it possible to get from one end of the city to the other in 20 minutes. There will be no cars in the city.

Designed as a sustainable alternative to traditional cities, the structure will be powered entirely by renewable energy, the Saudi government said. And the buildings plan to integrate vertical farming to provide residents with food. However, publications such as The Wall Street Journal believe that the project could negatively affect the environment, for example, become an obstacle to the migratory routes of birds.

attributions: nakedscience.ru |The largest construction project on the planet: the horizontal skyscraper "Mirror Line" is gaining, interior.ru | Horizontal skyscraper in the desert
by Cat on Sun Apr 23rd, 2023 at 01:13:49 AM EST
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