Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Yellen Rejects Notion Sanctions Could Undermine Dollar Dominance, 12 Mae
Yellen says a U.S. default could cause global financial crisis, CNN reports, 20 Jan
...Yellen also discussed her recent meeting with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He and said that China and the United States should continue regular communication and seek prospects for cooperation on matters of global importance like climate change US bond yield...
Yellen rejects notion sanctions could undermine dollar dominance, 13 Mar
"When you think about what makes the dollar a reserve currency, it's that we have the deepest and most liquid capital markets of any country on earth," Yellen said. "Treasury securities are safe, secure and immensely liquid. We have a well-functioning economic and financial system and the rule of law.
"best-in-class" leathal aid, Marshall Plans, IMF climate equity swaps, and tax credits?
There really is no other currency that can rival it as a reserve currency."
Sanctions 'undermine hegemony of dollar', US Treasury admits, 17 Apr
...Republican Senator Marco Rubio made similar comments in a March 30 segment on Fox News, complaining, "We won't have to talk sanctions in five years, because there will be so many countries transacting in currencies other than the dollar, that we won't have the ability to sanction them"....
Janet L. Yellen on the U.S. - China Economic Relationship at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, 20 Apr priorities
  1. secure our national security interests and those of our allies and partners
  2. continue to partner with our allies to respond to China's unfair economic practices
  3. call on China to follow through on its promise to work with us on these issues - not as a favor to us, but out of our joint duty and obligation to the world
...Of course, an economy's size is not the sole determinant of its strength. America is the largest economy in the world, but it also remains an unparalleled leader on a broad set of economic metrics&mdahs;from wealth to technological innovation. U.S. GDP per capita is among the highest in the world and over five times as large as China's. More than resources or geography, our country's success can be attributed to our people, values, and institutions. American democracy, while not perfect, protects the free exchange of ideas and rule of law that is at the bedrock of sustainable growth. Our educational and scientific institutions lead the world. Our innovative culture is enriched by new immigrants, including those from China - enabling us to continue to generate world-class, cutting-edge products and industries....
India Accounted For 70% Of Urals Shipments In April, 24 Apr
..."Nobody stops us from buying Russian oil at above the price cap level provided. We are not using western service," India's oil secretary Pankaj Jain said at an event as carried by Reuters....
archived never accepts failure

IMF | allocated reserves by currency
visualcapitalist | Here's How Reserve Currencies Have Evolved Over 120 Years
sun setting on most overvalued currency on planet

by Cat on Mon Apr 24th, 2023 at 07:46:17 PM EST
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