Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
euractiv AFP | Russia's forced transfer of Ukraine children 'genocide': Council of Europe, 28 Apr nomeclature
The vote was passed with 87 votes to one against, with one abstention. Linda Hofstad Helleland from EPP, Norway voted against, while Harald Weyel from AfD, Germany, abstained (see the vote of all participants). Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensk* hailed the resolution as an "important" decision that will help "hold Russia and its leaders to account".
better dead than red
The deportation of Ukrainian children is one element of "Russia's attempt to erase the identity of our people, to destroy the very essence of the Ukrainian people", he said in his evening address.
Kyiv said in mid-April that more than 16,000 Ukrainian children had been "abducted" and taken to Russia since the start of the invasion on 24 February last year. It said many of them had been placed in ["]care homes["]. Thursday's resolution at the Council of Europe's parliament said there was "evidence that deported children had faced a process of 'russification' through re-education in Russian language, culture[,] and history".

"These transfers of Ukrainian children were 'clearly being planned and organised in a systematic way' as state policy," said the resolution, with the aim of "annihilating every link to and feature of their Ukrainian identity".

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) called on the United Nations and the Red Cross to be granted access so they could gather information on the children concerned.

oversight.house.gov | Hearing Wrap Up: ORR Director Fails to Answer Questions About 85,000 Lost Unaccompanied Alien Children, Flawed Vetting of Sponsors, and More, 18 Apr
"Subcommittee members discussed how unprecedented levels of illegal border crossings, incentivized [sic] by the Biden Administration's policies, have overwhelmed the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and endangered migrant children."

cis.org | Did Joe Biden Lose 85,000 Migrant Kids?, 20 Apr
"Two outrages: ORR director doesn't know, and most of the media doesn't seem to care"

archived the Idea of Cash Payments, Florida migrant child detention camp emptying out, Migrant kids separated at border faced abuse in foster homes, Up to 750 European children trapped

by Cat on Sun Apr 30th, 2023 at 04:29:51 PM EST
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