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Who's in and who's out at Biden's democracy summit (31.03.23)

whitehouse | Remarks by President Biden at the Summit for Democracy Virtual Plenary on Democracy Delivering on Global Challenges, 29 Mar

... Look, all we know, it's not easy.  It's not -- this has never been easy.  Democracy is hard work.  The work of democracy is never finished.  It's never laid down and that's it, all you have to do.  It must be protected constantly.
At the first Summit of Democracy, I launched the Presidential Initiative for Democratic Renewal, committed more than $400 million to shore up transparent and accountable governance, support for media freedom, to fight for international—fighting international corruption, stand with democracy and democratic reformers, promote technology that advances democracy, defend elections....
archived 28-30 Mar video conference format, This didn't age well, After His Summit On Democracy, Biden's Summit A Bit of Democracy, Biden's Fraudulent Democracy Summit
by Cat on Sat Apr 1st, 2023 at 10:04:39 PM EST
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by Cat on Sun Apr 9th, 2023 at 07:47:06 PM EST
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