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Finland's NCP narrowly leads PM Marin in early election count | The Guardian |

With 40.1 percent of votes counted, opposition party leads PM's party by 0.1 percent, according to justice ministry.

Finland's prime minister, Sanna Marin, was facing a battle to hold on to power on Sunday with the country's conservative opposition National Coalition party (NCP) holding a narrow early lead in a knife-edge general election.

Among the 40% of voters who cast their ballots before election day on Sunday, the NCP garnered a score of 20.8%, fractionally ahead of Marin's centre-left Social Democrats (SDP) on 20.7%. The far-right, nationalist Finns party scored 18.6%.

The early vote tally is often skewed, however, and analysts warned against reading too much into the partial results as counting continued.

The party winning the vote will have the first shot at forming a coalition, but talks are set to be long and tortuous.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Apr 2nd, 2023 at 06:00:44 PM EST
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