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[...] Black unemployment has fallen, but a gap still persists Friday's jobs report showed the [U-3] unemployment rate tick down to 3.5 percent from 3.6 percent as the economy added 236,000 jobs in March. The unemployment rate for Black workers dropped to 5 percent from 5.7 percent, or about 1.1 million people -- the lowest rate on record, according to [BLS] data compiled reported by the St. Louis Federal Reserve.
Friday's jobs report showed the [U-3] unemployment rate tick down to 3.5 percent from 3.6 percent as the economy added 236,000 jobs in March.
The unemployment rate for Black workers dropped to 5 percent from 5.7 percent, or about 1.1 million people -- the lowest rate on record, according to [BLS] data compiled reported by the St. Louis Federal Reserve.
[FRB Chairman Jerome Powell] said this was due to factors "embedded" in the U.S. economy but did not provide further details [...]
Here's how policymakers have failed many Black Americans One of the reasons labor conditions for people with criminal records can be so bad is that not much is actually known [?!] about them as a segment of the population, which makes it difficult for lawmakers to design laws and policies that serve their needs. [....]
One of the reasons labor conditions for people with criminal records can be so bad is that not much is actually known [?!] about them as a segment of the population, which makes it difficult for lawmakers to design laws and policies that serve their needs. [....]
Black rates are higher at all alternative measures of labor underutilization For all of the alternative measures, the rate for Blacks was higher in 2019 than for the population overall. The broadest alternative measure, U-6, was μ 11.0 percent for Blacks, compared with 7.2 percent for the over[]all population.
For all of the alternative measures, the rate for Blacks was higher in 2019 than for the population overall. The broadest alternative measure, U-6, was μ 11.0 percent for Blacks, compared with 7.2 percent for the over[]all population.
The NBC News survey finds a combined 41% of registered voters saying they'd definitely or probably vote for Biden in the general election, versus 47% who say they'd vote for the eventual Republican nominee.
Large majorities of Americans sour on the prospect of a Trump v. Biden rematch in 2024
Early in the primaries of 2017-20, neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump in 2015-16 was leading the pack ... there is hope yet.
Democratic voter: "Ultimately, many feel we're forced to vote Democratic as a form of damage control, not because they provide leadership or actually serve the public interest." 'Sapere aude'
A/V 00:03:20, approx. one commercial break length (six 60-sec spot buys or eleven 30-sec spot buys)
tag: Let's finish the job (wikiwtf "context" reference appended by state-controlled YouTube, an Alphabet Inc. subsidiary corporation)
tag: America is an idea (no "context" reference)
BIDEN: Charlottesville, Viginia, is home to [one of] the author of one of the great documents in human history. We know it by heart. [CHRON SUPERSCRIPT] Whe hold these truths to be self-evident. That all men are created equal[,] endowed by their [creator] with certain inalienable rights. We've heard it so often [that] it's almost a cliché , but it's who we are. We haven't haven't always lived up to these ideals. [Thomas] Jefferson himself didn't. But we have never before walked away from them. Charlottesville is also home to a defininf moment for this nation in the last few years. [CUT TO ARCHIVE FOOTAGE. BIDEN VO:] It was there on August of 2017[,] we saw Klansmen and white supremacists and neo-Nazis come out in the open. Their crazed faces, illuminated by torches, veins bulging and bearing the fangs of racism. Chanting the same anti-semitic bile heard across Europe in the [nineteen] thirties. And the were met by a courageous group of [US] Americans. And a violent clash ensued...
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