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economics.kiev.ua | Proclamation by Hitler of the project of the European Federation
Information from a German Industrialist        

On May 13, it was reported that information had been received, indirectly, from the director of an important German industrial concern, who claimed to have excellent connections in the German Foreign Office.

The main feature of the message was that if a definite agreement was not reached by the end of May that would allow large-scale German economic penetration and exploitation of the USSR, a war would be launched against that country, preparations for which should have been completed before the end of May.

2. During the last few days the following information has been received, indirectly, from the same German industrialist, and part of the proclamation is based, according to him, on what he learned from his friend in the German Foreign Office of Germany. This industrialist is not our regular source and we have no way of verifying his reliability beyond the information cited above; but independent information from Vichy cited at the end of this report corroborates his claims and there were also isolated signs of a coming peace movement involving Spain, France, Switzerland and the Vatican.
(Note. There is a note on the scan of the text - "[1941 ?]")

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library (German Diplomatic Files - Box 31).

by Cat on Mon Apr 3rd, 2023 at 03:47:46 AM EST
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