Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Continuing with the Goebbels lie he was cheated out of the 2020 election. What an extreme bull$hitter.

  • During his 25-minute speech, the 2024 White House contender repeated many of his campaign points, arguing that he has been the victim of a Democratic conspiracy to jeopardise his re-election bid
  • Trump began by denying his guilt and saying that his opponents "seek to destroy" the US
  • He then falsely claimed that every single pundit and legal analyst said there is no case against him
  • Trump reiterated personal attacks on Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg - whose office is prosecuting the case - and the family of the judge overseeing Trump's case
  • "I have a Trump-hating judge from a Trump-hating family," he said, calling the court biased against him
  • "Our country is going to hell," he said, listing all the ways that he claims to have been persecuted since launching his 2016 presidential campaign

From BBC News w/o a note the article, nor on tv news report, these statements by the former president are fake and false.

US going to hell, defiant Trump says after being charged

Feeding the masses with lies until the bubble bursts in another insurrection attempt on the courts, judge, prosecutor or the US Congress in a new attack. Watching an old movie script of the American Wild West, the Colt 45 replaced by the semi-automatic AR-15.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 at 06:37:13 AM EST
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