Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Beijing on Wednesday afternoon for a state visit to China through Friday

fmprc is on holiday, Qingming Festival. Daily press conference resumed on April 6. So ...

In his first speech after arriving in Beijing, Macron said at a meeting with French nationals in the Chinese capital that "China could play a major role in finding a path to peace in Ukraine," the AFP reported.

He also said in his speech at the French Embassy in Beijing that Europe must not "separate" from China economically, claiming that France would "commit proactively to continue to have a commercial relationship with China," the media report said.

F24 | China has 'major role' to play in Ukraine peace effort, Macron says in Beijing
...Macron discussed his trip to China and support for Ukraine during a phone call with US President Joe Biden on the eve of his visit, the White House said....
because neither the embassy nor Élysée have updated PR.
by Cat on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 at 03:10:42 PM EST
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