Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
newsqueek | Zelensk* Issues Bakhmut Retreat Warning, 6 Apr
"For me, the most important is not to lose our soldiers and of course if there is a moment of even hotter events and the danger we could lose our personnel because of encirclement—of course the corresponding correct decisions will be taken by generals there," Zelensk* said during a news conference in Poland on Wednesday alongside his Polish counterpart.

But while the Ukrainian president's statement suggested that he might consider a retreat should the situation escalate, he also hinted that it's not yet time for withdrawal, declaring that Kyiv's troops are still holding on to Bakhmut and remain inside the city.
Washington-based think tank The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said that "it remains to be seen whether Ukraine's defense of Bakhmut and its efficacy in fixing Russian forces in the area is worth Ukrainian losses," adding that "we will likely be unable to assess this until observing the Ukrainian spring counteroffensive."
"There is success in some districts of Bakhmut-- we're going forward. Or there's no (success) and we're again leaving for positions," Zelensk* said on Wednesday to describe the situation.

Ukrinform | Ukraine to return all children abducted by Russia - NSDC secretary, 6 Apr
The Secretary of the Council also called to remember all the Ukrainian children who were killed on the orders of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Danilov expressed indignation at the fact that the Kremlin leader, who is responsible for the killing of 500 children in Ukraine, still "has his hand shaken" and talked to over the phone and in person.
US on blocking the webcast of the Russian Arria Formula meeting, A/V (EN), 00:04:45
The official said he was outraged by the speech delivered by the Russian "Commissioner for Children's Rights" Maria Lvova-Belova during an Arria-Formula Meeting of the UN Security Council, convened by the Russian Federation to discuss what they claim was the "evacuation" of Ukrainian children from the war zone.
archived It's very hard to pin down the exact number
As Ukrinform reported earlier, as of March, a total of 19,514 Ukrainian children are considered illegally deported.
Daily Press Briefing by the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, 4 Apr
Question:  Yes, two questions.  What about the children kidnapped or just moved in Russia, tomorrow, there will be a Security Council Arria formula on the subject.  Today, in Geneva, the Human Rights Council voted a resolution they passed on they ask Russia to give access to these children so that UN and other organization can understand what is the status of this children.  So the question is, it's said actually few weeks ago, maybe a month ago, I think you respond me that you were investigating... The UN was investigating the situation of these children.  So what does Secretary-General at the moment think?  Is it they've been kidnapped or...?
Stéphane Dujarric:  I would refer you to the most recent updates from the Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, which spoke about this.  We've expressed our concern and I think it is very important that there'd be clarity on the status of these children, but I think our human rights colleagues and the mission in Ukraine has expressed itself on that.
Question:  So the Secretary-General still doesn't have a...?
Dujarric:  I would refer you to what... [cross-talk]
by Cat on Thu Apr 6th, 2023 at 03:47:05 PM EST
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