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'A backwards betrayal': Biden Title IX proposal draws criticism from LGBTQ community
...LGBTQ Americans and their allies have had mixed reactions to the administration's proposed changes. While some are celebrating the possibility of a NEW! federal civil rights law prohibiting laws that bar transgender students from participating in school sports, others say the proposal is a disappointing departure from prior actions and statements made by the Biden White House in support of equal rights for transgender people.
"He could have just done nothing," [Harvard Law School's Cyberlaw Clinic instructor Alejandrx] Caraballx wrote. "This is legitimizing transphobia."
In a post on Twitter late Thursday, Rep. Alexandrix Ocasix-Cortez (D-N.Y.) called the proposal "embarrassing" and urged the Education Department to reverse course. "Absolutely no reason for the Biden admin to do this. It is indefensible and embarrassing," Ocasix-Cortez wrote. "The admin can still walk this back, and they should. It's a disgrace."
Here is a solution: Demand Congress to repeal Title IX entirely. Enact shirts, no skins, for everyone. Win-win.
by Cat on Sat Apr 8th, 2023 at 03:04:53 PM EST
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