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US: California lawmaker faces Islamophobic attacks for introducing anti-caste bill, 3 Apr nation of immigrants seeking fweedom from persecution in diverse ancestral homelands
... If the bill is approved, California will become the first state to adopt legislation banning caste discrimination. The city of Seattle did so earlier this year in February. However, several Hindu [!] American groups have pushed back on these efforts, saying that such measures specifically target and malign their community. Wahab, who was born to refugees who fled Afghanistan [!] in the 1980s [!], told the news magazine that many people with Islamophobic intent [!] like to attack her based on her last name.

"My last name is Wahab, so they [?] love to tie it to Wahhabism, or call me a jihadist or a Talibani. Basically, every racial slur and dog whistle," Wahab told Time.

Caste discrimination has been banned in India [!] since 1948, but the bias still persists. Studies in recent years have shown that people from lower castes are underrepresented in higher-paying jobs.

There have been several instances of caste-based discrimination documented in California alone, including in 2001 when a man was convicted of transporting at least 25 Indian labourers [UK-Eng. ALERT] to the US under false pretence.
Here's a solution: Embrace the US Constitution. Continue to enforce CA criminal code and lawyer up.
by Cat on Sat Apr 8th, 2023 at 03:37:33 PM EST
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