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DW | Why Poland is taking so long to build floating gas terminal?, 2027/2028
Polish energy expert, Piotr Przybyło, believes that compared with Germany, Poland is doing the terminal on the cheap. "Germany has had much greater fiscal flexibility," he told DW, adding that since the two German terminals have started operating, the cost of renting the floating terminals has risen by 50%. "That means Poland will lose even more in the longer term," he added.
In Poland, it is necessary to build a much larger scope of infrastructure than in Germany, [[Rice University, TX market expert Anna] Mikulska said. Undersea transmission infrastructure and a berth for mooring the FSRU unit, as well as onshore gas pipelines with a total length of about 250 kilometers (155 miles), should be built from scratch, she added.
The United States accounted for more than half of PKN Orlen's total LNG imports last year, or 3.4 bcm, the Polish importer said. In 2023, the US will remain Poland's primary supplier of LNG, due to two long-term contracts with Cheniere Energy and Venture Global.
Poland's PKN Orlen seeks compensation after Russia halts oil deliveries, 6 Mar
Poland's PKN Orlen receives first supplies of gas from US, 11 Mar
Poland's PKN Orlen ends final Russian oil contract without penalties, says CEO, 5 Apr
by Cat on Sun Apr 9th, 2023 at 01:28:18 AM EST
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