Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
If I hadn't fallen into Biden-India vortex of post-Trump QUAD rehab yesterday...
Readout of President Biden's Meeting with Prime Minister Modi of India, 24 Sep 2021
• Combined Military [sic] Forces CMF - Bahrain division
...I might not have noticed this item.

wam.ae | UAE rejects mischaracterisation of US-UAE conversations regarding maritime security,
31 May 2023 responding to US Naval Central Command tweet, 23 May

In a statement today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) said that the UAE is committed to peaceful dialogue and diplomatic engagement as a means of advancing the shared goals of regional security and stability.

"As a result of our ongoing evaluation of effective security cooperation with all partners, two months ago, the UAE withdrew its participation in the Combined Maritime Forces," added the statement.

MoFA stressed that the UAE remains committed to responsibly ensuring the safety of navigation in its seas, in accordance with international law.

by Cat on Wed May 31st, 2023 at 05:33:57 PM EST
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