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US Gun Boat Diplomacy Failures

"The UAE are using the tanker incidents symbolically for a failing US security partnership," he said, adding that the UAE's move was a demonstration to the US that "they are a confident and sovereign nation that can pick and choose, opt in and opt out as they please."

"The UAE is also pushing back against US demands to sever relations with Russia and China ... [because] they need to diversify their partnerships from the US, including with Russia and China, to serve its security interests," he said.

"The UAE is signalling to Washington in the context of the maritime partnership that the US requires Emirati support as well and that the UAE have leverage in this bilateral relationship as well," he explained.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sat Jun 3rd, 2023 at 11:15:43 AM EST

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