Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Sparing some indigenous people from the "Jungle"

German open arms policy for migration from Latin America ...

We Want You!

Your carers for our elderly and your electricians and technicians to maintain our high standards of heavy (war) industry

Latin America has long since found its way to our labour market. Brazilian carers [?] and Colombian electricians are already being met with open arms in Germany. We want to develop this partnership further.

Almost echoes the words of CDU Chancellor Angela Merkel from 2015 when all hell broke lose with war refugees from Afghanistan. Iraq, Libya and Syria. Traces of US-UK-NATO aggression.

    The target looks achievable, however, given that the number of people arriving in Germany fell to about 280,000 last year from 890,000 in 2015. A further drop is expected this year.

    In addition, the two parties agreed to push for an immigration law that would give priority to migrants with skills to plug gaps in the labor market. There is broad support for that from the FDP and Greens.

For history's sake, the chancellor doing the talking ...

Mind you ... opening the gateways of hell to the gardens of Eden according to Borrell.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Jun 11th, 2023 at 06:38:35 AM EST
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