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rg.ru | Khusnullin: All Crimean reservoirs are filled with water, there is a reserve for 500 days, 9 June
Kakhovskaya HPP Dam is the sixth, lower stage of the Dnieper Cascade. The North Crimean Canal feeds from the Kakhovka Reservoir. Earlier, the scientific director of the Institute of Water Problems, Viktor Danilov-Danilyan, explained to RG that Crimea could do without a canal at all and live more or less normally. The only thing that will have to be abandoned is RICE SOWING. "Crimeans don't have to worry this year: the reservoirs of the North Crimean Canal are about 80 percent full, and that's enough for the season," he stressed.
by Cat on Sun Jun 11th, 2023 at 01:19:00 PM EST
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