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Ukraine War Day #471: More Waterworld
...As is typical in these types of situations (Americans who remember Hurricane Katrina* can relate to this), up until the last minute people kept crossing their fingers and hoping that the water would not reach their houses, but eventually it did. At which point they had no choice except to climb up onto the roof. Whence they were rescued (if they were lucky), placed into boats, and floated away to a dry road, then placed into buses, trucks, and even heavy equipment like tractors, for further delivery. Many of these unfortunate people were able to retrieve only their most valued possessions. The water took everything else....
* Floriduh hurricanes,  Arizona "monsoons," Man'attan basement-dweller killer "noreasters", semi-annual tidewater floods up 'n' down the Carolinas, and most recently California "aTsmosphertic river" DELUGE
by Cat on Sun Jun 11th, 2023 at 02:10:00 PM EST
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