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For Lula, extra requirements in the environmental area presented by the European Union this year, which would provide for sanctions against Brazil, need to be revised. [...] » Full text of President Lula's statement to the pressThis is the first visit by a European Union Chief Executive to Brazil in the last 10 years. The European Union and Brazil coincide in the importance attributed by both to multilateralism, democracy, the promotion of peace and respect for human rights. It was the recognition of the importance of this relationship that made us sign our strategic partnership pact in 2007.
This is the first visit by a European Union Chief Executive to Brazil in the last 10 years. The European Union and Brazil coincide in the importance attributed by both to multilateralism, democracy, the promotion of peace and respect for human rights. It was the recognition of the importance of this relationship that made us sign our strategic partnership pact in 2007.
Fifteen years later, we can confirm that this decision was correct. Our bilateral trade advances consistently. The European Union is Brazil's second largest trading partner and our trade flow could surpass the USD 100 billion [€ 92B, BRL 486B] mark this year. [...] Dear President von der Leyen, We are building a partnership founded on mutual respect and understanding. We recognize that the solution to the main problems we face on the global stage involves responses that take into account the interests of everyone, especially the most vulnerable....UKRAINE - With regard to the war in Ukraine, President Lula emphasized that he has brought up the subject of peace negotiations with South American neighbors and with countries not involved in the conflict, such as India and Indonesia, and that he will return to address the matter in his official visits to France, Italy and the Vatican, and at the next BRICS summit, a forum in which Russia also participates. The EC president declared that she had "great admiration for the way in which you defend international law and the UN Charter in all your international declarations" and stressed that "Europe agrees [?!] on the need for a negotiated peace between Russia and Ukraine".
Fifteen years later, we can confirm that this decision was correct. Our bilateral trade advances consistently. The European Union is Brazil's second largest trading partner and our trade flow could surpass the USD 100 billion [€ 92B, BRL 486B] mark this year. [...] Dear President von der Leyen, We are building a partnership founded on mutual respect and understanding. We recognize that the solution to the main problems we face on the global stage involves responses that take into account the interests of everyone, especially the most vulnerable....
The EC president declared that she had "great admiration for the way in which you defend international law and the UN Charter in all your international declarations" and stressed that "Europe agrees [?!] on the need for a negotiated peace between Russia and Ukraine".
Today, the European Commission and the High Representative are presenting a proposal to build a closer and modernised strategic partnership with Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC]. [...] Q. Ha dicho que durante años se han ["]taken for granted, even neglected["] la relación con los países de Latinoamérica. ¿Me gustaría saber aquel achaca esto? ¿Ha sido porque algunos países europeos igual no veían la importancia geoestratégica de la región? ¿Porque hemos estado muy absorbidos con BREXIT? ¿Porque igual hemos mirado más a otros países del mundo como Estados Unidos o China? Borrell: Sí. Es una pregunta relevante porque refleja una paradoja: que es que nadie duda del interés mutuo que tenemos. Nadie duda de la intensidad de nuestras relaciones humanas. De la enorme inversión que las empresas europeas han hecho en América Latina, y sin embargo, la dimensión política de esta relación se ha ido dejando ir, por razones seguramente imputables a las dos partes. En América Latina ha habido también problemas de fragmentación política en el continente con el caso de la crisis política en Venezuela o la deriva autoritaria en Nicaragua. Y es verdad que sí, Europa ha estado absorbida, pues por problemas, no diría que más importantes, pero más acuciantes. El BREXIT ha sido uno de ellos, los problemas migratorios, no digo que no sean problemas dignos de ser tomados en consideración, lo son sin duda. Hemos pasado por un proceso de ampliación también, que ha dirigido el centro de gravedad geográfico y político de Europa más hacia el este, y en su conjunto, sin darnos cuenta, el tiempo ha ido pasando y no hemos elevado nuestra relación política al nivel que merece. Probablemente, el cambio político que hay habido en muchos países latinoamericanos, las nuevas circunstancias geopolíticas, la emergencia de China, la guerra en Ucrania, han acelerado la toma de conciencia de que Europa no puede ser un actor geopolítico si no toma en consideración la relación con América Latina, que es muy fuerte en lo económico, en todas las dimensiones, pero que necesita estar bajo una dinámica política de alto nivel, que es lo que pretendemos hacer con esta comunicación y con la próxima Cumbre. [...]
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