Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
ecfr.eu | Keeping [US] close, Russia down, and China far away: How Europeans navigate a competitive world, 7 June propORnot
In the years to come, the European Union will likely face difficult [PLANNED] decisions: whether to back the United States in its geopolitical ["]competition["] with China; whether to punish CHINA for its support of Russia; whether to rebuild relations with RUSSIA after the war.

These decisions will affect European citizens - whose support European leaders will need for their foreign policy choices. Two years ago, the European Council on Foreign Relations conducted a study of public opinion about how Europeans see their place in the world. The results pointed to a cooperative European mindset whereby, in a world of competing great powers, Europeans preferred to cultivate [DELIBERATE] partnerships with various countries and advocated a largely values-based foreign policy.
The [PLANNED] direction of European foreign policy will have a massive impact on the lives of every European citizen - be it through their exposure to security threats, supply chain disruptions, or the volatility of the financial market. Their opinions will enable or constrain European leaders' ability to negotiate a common European foreign policy. As these leaders re-adjust their relationships with the US, CHINA, and RUSSIA, they not only need to reach agreement among themselves - they also need to build a public consensus around European foreign policy. Otherwise, there is likely to be growing mistrust of the elites < wipes tears > and the EU, and a populist backlash in the European parliamentary election in 2024 and in national elections.

In April 2023, ECFR conducted an opinion poll across 11[/27] EU member states - Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Sweden - to understand how European citizens see their place in the world today. The results of the poll show that their cooperative foreign policy instincts are adapting slowly to the new geopolitical reality that is characterised by growing polarisation.
[EC Pres. Ursula] Von der Leyen dispensed with the EU's established triad [?] to describe China as a "partner, competitor, and [PERVASIVE] rival" and emphasised the need for active, [DELIBERATE], multidimensional risk minimisation in Europe's dealings with Beijing. With this strategy [sic] of "de-risking", she pushed for a new consensus in Europe on the importance of revisiting its relationship with China.
The findings of ECFR's latest poll show that, in many ways, European citizens are more on Team Macron than Team von der Leyen.

by Cat on Wed Jun 14th, 2023 at 05:47:21 PM EST
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Just wait some months as Atlantic Council war propaganda gets a hold on European corporate media ... polling quickly turns around ... Huawei - Xinjiang - Spy balloons - Hong Kong - Tibet - Cuban listening posts ...

Expert: U.S. Should See China as 'Number One' Adversary, Not Trading Partner | USNI - Sept. 15, 2017 |

The People's Republic China needs to be seen by the United States as its principal potential adversary in the years ahead, not as a commercial partner that America cannot live without, a leading expert on maritime issues said.

Answering an audience question at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. Seth Cropsey, director of sea power programs at the Hudson institute, said, "China should be our Number One concern; it's not." He added that Chinese leaders want to restore it to the status of a great state, overcoming a 19th and early 20th-century history of European imperialism, "not only at sea, but especially at sea. They've invested a lot in satellite technology, in cyber technology, building a fleet" that potentially could be larger than the United States' in the not-too-distant future.

Cropsey, the author of Seablindness: How Political Neglect is Choking American Seapower and What to Do about It, said, the Chinese "have their own way of looking at things" from their island-building campaign to their use of "lawfare," to bolster territorial claims in the East and South China Seas and disregard international court rulings when those claims are rejected. He said President Donald Trump was correct in judging Beijing's commercial policies. "They're mercantilists, not free traders."

While China's close neighbors say how important their economic and commercial ties to Beijing are for their own development, privately they are very concerned about its increasingly assertive behavior on their borders. Cropsey said out of the limelight and away from microphones they say, "if you guys [the United States] get out ... if China becomes the hegemon, they will treat us like dogs" as it did in the past when it was a great power.

In his remarks before the question-and-answer session, he said, "I wish I could be optimistic about the future" of the challenges facing the United States not only from a transoceanic Chinese navy, but as it concerns Russian behavior in the Baltic and Black Seas, Iran's continuing development of anti-ship weaponry and the tolls the continuing wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan are taking on the fleet and the Marine Corps.

Trying to meet the combatant commanders' requirements for presence that call for 370 to 400 ships with the 276 ships now in the fleet "is an exercise in futility" and leads to accidents such as the ship collisions suffered in U.S. 7th Fleet. Cropsey said 350 ships "is the absolute bare minimum to meet [today's] requirements." He pointed out the administration's call for a fleet that size is to be built over 30 years and "it doesn't provide the immediate kind of relief that is necessary" to reduce today's high operating tempo.

As to the additional $50 billion more in the coming year's defense program over this year's, he said much of the money that will go to the Department of the Navy is earmarked for repairs, maintenance and fixing shipyards and port facilities not shipbuilding.

US Navy at the forefront of false flag attacks to create any opportunity for a hot war ...
Cuba invasion 1960 - Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin attack 1964 - Reverse Israeli attack on USS Liberty 1967 - USS Vincennes downing Iranian civilian aircraft killing 290 passengers in 1988 - sabotage Nord Stream 1 & 2 pipelines 2022.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Jun 14th, 2023 at 06:32:55 PM EST
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US President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize four years ago. Today, the country he leads is seen -- according to a new poll -- as the biggest threat to world peace.

The global survey, conducted by WIN/Gallup International, polled residents in 68 countries on everything from the global economy to politics and living conditions.

According to the poll, 24 percent of the surveyed countries ranked the United States as the greatest threat to world peace today, followed by Pakistan at 8 percent, China at 6 percent and four countries (Afghanistan, Iran, Israel and North Korea) tied at 5 percent. [Russia near bottom at 2%]

Thirty-seven percent of Mexicans ranked their northern neighbor the top threat to the world.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Jun 14th, 2023 at 07:48:01 PM EST
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I found a couple published since 2014. One might expect PUTIN's WAR OF AGGRESSION to have influenced "threat" perceptions, but I can't immediately locate a comparable survey in 2022. These don't evaluate perceptions of international threats. They evaluate perceptions of intranational threats to peace. Accordingly, index crieria and methodology are...abstruse.

europarl | Normandy Index

vision of humanity | Global Peace Index

Maybe Politico will get around to another "poll of polls" to vidicate NATO's mission?

by Cat on Wed Jun 14th, 2023 at 09:03:52 PM EST
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by Cat on Wed Jun 14th, 2023 at 09:18:19 PM EST
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by Cat on Wed Jun 14th, 2023 at 09:26:00 PM EST
[ Parent ]


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