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agriculture.canada.ca | Drought conditions as of April 30, 2023 "grey zones"

Are the Canadian Fires Under Control? There Are Over 400 Fires Burning, 7 June surprise!

Public Security Minister François Bonnardel spoke at a news conference on June 4 to discuss the fires, as reported by CBC. Bonnardel said, "We took charge of 35 fires today, compared to 21 yesterday. We chose specific fires to protect our critical infrastructures, but above all to protect our population. All our resources are concentrated on these fires."

The Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre reports that as of June 6, 414 total fires are burning, with at least 239 considered "out of control." Despite the active fight against the flames, firefighters can only attack 20-30 at a time. According to PBS, Canada currently has at least 480 wilderness firefighters on the ground, but they have been seeking international help to battle the elements.
On Twitter, French President Emmanuel Macron announced he is sending 100 firefighters to help aid Canada. PBS reports that the United States is also sending firefighters, and Quebec is negotiating with Costa Rica, Portugal, and Chile for additional firefighters.

As of June 7, the Associated Press reports that Northwestern Quebec continues to evacuate residents due to wildfires as firefighters first target blazes in more remote communities. An estimated 10,000 have already been evacuated.

[AP] notes there are more than 150 fires in Quebec alone, with at least 110 considered "out of control." The mayor of Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Guy Lafrenière, explains, "The fire started in an area where there were no trees, which slowed it down considerably."

thehill | Arizona seeks to avert groundwater disaster , 6 June
Climate change and drought are a constant background presence when it comes to Western water politics. Arizona recently agreed to shoulder the bulk of cuts to water allocations for states in the Colorado River's Lower Basin that depend on that source for their water.

Policies surrounding groundwater in Arizona are a separate issue from that dispute. Unlike the river water, Porter said, "Out here in Arizona, groundwater is considered a non-renewable water supply." ... Specifically, the department determined the Hassayampa sub-basin groundwater supply west of Phoenix had some is 4.4 million acre-feet of unmet less than demand.
If the agency's decision isn't enough to address the groundwater shortfall, state officials have numerous other options to attempt to preserve groundwater, according to Katherine Jacobs, director of the Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions at the University of Arizona. For example, she said, they can explore options like bringing in water from western Arizona, bargaining with Native American tribes for water rights or treating municipal wastewater.

archived basin states reach agreement, aquifier data visualization
by Cat on Wed Jun 7th, 2023 at 08:43:19 PM EST
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