Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
euronews | EU countries strike major deal on migration rules, delivering the first breakthrough in years, 8 June
The agreement paves the way for introducing new rules to collectively manage the reception and relocation of asylum seekers. Last year [2022], the EU received more than 962,000 asylum applications, the highest figure since 2016.
At the end of the meeting, Malmer Stenergard confirmed the one-off payment for each rejected applicant will be provisionally set at €20,000, which will then be channelled into a yet-to-defined common EU fund. The number of relocation will be 30,000 asylum seekers per year. Additional provisions have been included in case the pledges fall short of the target.
concilium.europa.eu | Migration policy: Council reaches agreement on key asylum and migration laws (08.06.23)
"To balance the current system whereby a few member states are responsible for the vast majority of asylum applications, a new solidarity mechanism is being proposed that is simple, predictable and workable. The new rules combine mandatory solidarity with flexibility for member states as regards the choice of the individual contributions. These contributions include relocation, financial contributions or alternative solidarity measures such as deployment of personnel or measures focusing on capacity building. Member states have full discretion as to the type of solidarity they contribute. No member state will ever be obliged to carry out relocations.
The political agreement allows the EU Council to start negotiations with the European Parliament, which has a somewhat diverging position on the matter. The goal is to wrap up the legislation before next year's EU elections.
europarl.europa.eu | Legislative Train Schedule, 20 May
In "Promoting our European Way of Life"
statewatch.org |  Tracking the Pact: Compromise texts, member state comments, "balance between solidarity and responsibility", 22 May
On 17 May a revised compromise text (pdf) was circulated...This followed a previous version circulated on 15 May dealing with border procedures (pdf); on the same day, a document containing member states' comments (pdf) on a previous version of the text was also distributed within the Council.
by Cat on Thu Jun 8th, 2023 at 11:12:46 PM EST
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