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IRS Whistleblowers Testify at House Oversight Committee Hearing, run time 06:3:39
witnesses: IRS Criminal Investigator Joseph Ziegler and Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley

but all one needs to know to predict how this HISTORIC inquiry will end occurs in the first 1.5 hr. (1) DOJ obstruction ran off statutes of limitation for felony charges; and (2) this episode is a revolting, bipartisan sequel of "Congress impeaches self"--except that Team Jordan has expert knowledge of US tax code (because slicing tax tax breaks is the GOP raison d'etre), FBI informants' depositions, and IRS material evidence of felony tax evasion corroborated by IRS agents' and US Attys' discovery of bank statements, unlike Team Schiff who presented 13 days of circular references to press clippings purporting Trump campaign collusion with Russian spies to compromise "democratic processes" before ELECTION 2016 -OR- extorting Clinton "dirt" from Zelensk* before ELECTION 2020 and 2 days of circular references to press clippings purporting Trump's rally to "incite insurrection" after ELECTION 2020.

Recalling FBI, Treasury OFAC, US State, DHS retaliation for CIs Telizhenko (interviews here and there), Derkach, Luft, and Parnas, Onyshenko, Blue Star Strategies subpoena, Shokin and Lutsenko interviews with Les Crises documentary, FBI Zlochevsky (Amb. Volker and Sondland redacted) Reporting Document-1023, and possible audit of 2022 Naftogaz's write-down, creditors, and beneficial owners, etc.

Neither Biden will go to trial in the US Senate or a US federal court. Instead The Odious will run ELECTION 2024 on CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY THREATS to national security.

by Cat on Wed Jul 26th, 2023 at 07:00:22 AM EST

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