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Beyond the headaches as a parent of Hunter ... on whom can Joe put the blame for his failures?

Source Naked Capitalism via MofA

Biden's political pitfalls with Ukraine | Politico - 8 Aug. 2023 |

Rep. JASON CROW (D-Colo.), an Army veteran and HASC member, noted that Ukraine switched tactics from its more aggressive approach to a more methodical one to protect its troops, which inevitably leads to a slower assault. The Ukrainians are "preserving their force" and "doing this the right way," he said.

The hulking armored vehicles the U.S. and others have sent have only proven partly effective in trying to punch through the minefields planted by Russian troops. One major issue is that once Ukrainian troops clear one minefield and advance, Russian forces use artillery and helicopters to scatter mines behind them, in effect trapping some units which are then targeted.

Ukrainian forces have pleaded for more short-range air defense they can use at the front to knock down those shells and protect against Russian helicopters that can patrol the front with impunity. But defenses have been slow to arrive, which has also contributed to the slow pace of advances.

There are signs that Ukraine's allies and partners are taking all of this into account, and are planning for the long haul. Major defense firms from the U.S., Germany, Czech Republic and others are building maintenance facilities for the long-term repair of weapons and armored vehicles and tanks donated to Kyiv. The first shops are being built in Poland, with plans to establish more permanent depots inside Ukraine next year.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sat Aug 12th, 2023 at 08:08:13 AM EST

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