Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Biden's Apocalypse in Ukraine? | Kyiv Post Opinion |

Biden must embrace a Ukrainian victory and provide them the resources they need to win the war - then he must take that message to the American people.

Ukraine's fight on behalf of the Western notion of freedom and democracy is facing a gathering darkness in the United States as its fight against Russian President Vladimir Putin's "special military operation" rages on - and, if left unchecked by Washington, could lead to an apocalypse in Eastern Europe and beyond.

As we enter the Presidential election cycle, US public support for the war in Ukraine appears to be waning. In a new CNN poll, 55 percent of Americans are opposed to new funding in support of Kyiv, 51 percent believe Washington has "done enough" and this, soberingly, is in stark contrast to the 62 percent who supported aiding Ukraine at the start of the war in February 2022.

Even more troubling, the divide in the US is becoming partisan between Democrats who support continued funding - 62 percent, and 71 percent of Republicans who oppose it. Support is also deteriorating among independents; 56 percent now say enough is enough.

This is just one poll. Yet, nonetheless, the downward trend for support to Ukraine is becoming evident. In mid-June, a Pew Research poll found only 47 percent of Americans supporting US aid to Kyiv.

The growing darkness is not just at the grassroots level. More and more politicians, arguably opportunistic in motivation, are exploiting the softening of US support for Ukraine.

Milley Says Ukraine Has Leadership, Morale to Beat Russia | U.S. DoD - April 21, 2023 |

It has been very clear, the forces at play in the full range of Eastern European states shows these have not assimilated into the Principles, Justice and Foundation of the European Union. The nations are alien to the original six countries united in the EEC. The EU has no business fighting old grudges of 90 or 110 years ago. Get real or just get out. Start your own economic union and live by the UN Charter demanding peace between neighbouring states.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sat Aug 12th, 2023 at 12:16:49 PM EST
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