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'That time is gone': Americans are in an anti-war mood -- but partisan differences are bubbling | Roll Call - March 17, 2022 |

Only 18 percent of GOP voters approve of President Biden's handling of the Ukraine war

Sixty-nine percent of those surveyed for a Monmouth University poll also released Wednesday support sending more U.S. military troops to Eastern Europe to deter Russian President Vladimir Putin from further stepping up the conflict.

But only 41 percent support putting those American military boots on Ukrainian soil, according to that poll. Voters are much more in the mood for Baltic deployments like Biden already has ordered, putting more American troopers in places like Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to shore up NATO's eastern flank.

Majority Approve of NATO Decision Not To Enforce No-Fly Zone, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Public Figures In U.S. Praising Putin Are Viewed Negatively

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sat Aug 12th, 2023 at 01:11:52 PM EST

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