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As posted as comment on MofA today ...

Joining NATO Is Key In Ukraine Victory Plan

Using transition period to realize Biden's pipe dream ...

Joining NATO: The subject is at the heart of the 'Victory Plan' Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky presented to his allies | Le Monde |

Joe Biden (joined by Macron and Starmer) is ready to invite Ukraine to NATO under certain conditions ...

The original "invitation" to both Ukraine and Georgia was pushed down  the throats of other EU NATO members by Bush-Cheney in April 2008 @BucharestSummit ... knowingly crossing Russia's red lines as warned by US ambassador in Moscow William Burns at the time. Seen by many as a declaration of war. In 2017 it was former NATO head Jaap de Hoop Scheffer who confirmed it had crossed Russia's red lines. So Washington threw Russia out of NATO observer status and G8 returned to G7 of NATO members only ... inviting Japan to join soon for defense of Western Europe.

NWO Made in USA ... because we can ⁉️

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Oct 21st, 2024 at 08:24:21 AM EST

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