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Uncle Robbie Thorpe files private prosecution against Netanyahu adviser for advocating genocide | PEN Melbourne |

Thorpe and lawyer Daniel Taylor were at the Court to hear opening statements at their private prosecution of Mark Regev, Benjamin Netanyahu's former Senior Advisor for Foreign Affairs and Communication. Regev has joint Australian and Israeli citizenship and is also the former Israeli Ambassador to the UK.

Regev is being charged with Advocacy for Genocide, section 80.2D of the Australian Criminal Code, for public comments advocating for Genocide of the Palestinian people in the Australian Media. He was served in Israel a few weeks ago with the charge sheet and summons.
Appearing for Regev, lawyer Dennis Miralis stated to Deputy Chief Magistrate Bourke that the State of Israel had sent a formal diplomatic note to the Australian Government about the case, and had contacted the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, seeking her intervention to quash the case, and that the DPP is aware of the case. Magistrate Bourke set the next hearing for the 10th December, subject to any issues of extra-territoriality or DPP.

I have often written about Netanyahu close advisor Mark Regev ... the worst of the worse and emperor of Hasbara ... LIES and DISINFORMATION. 🤥 🤥 🤥

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Oct 21st, 2024 at 12:07:52 PM EST

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