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Who is preventing ICC from arresting Netanyahu? | Daily Sabah |

As ICC officials are threatened not to interfere with Israel's genocide of Palestinians, international justice falters, mistrust breeds

Hypocrisy creates mistrust

As we can see, a pressure mechanism is in place, led by the U.S., to prevent the ICC from issuing an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and Gallant. Although the U.S. has no say in the court's decisions because it is not subject to the Rome Statute, it can exert direct or indirect pressure on the court through its military and economic power. But this situation is a sore spot in the conscience of the international community, especially the victimized Palestinians, and undermines confidence in law, courts and justice. On the one hand, the U.S. administration is using international courts as an instrument of pressure to punish Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, while on the other hand, it is trying to prevent any decision from being taken against Israel, which has massacred 40,000 civilians in Gaza.

So, this situation is fuelling anger and rage against the U.S. while at the same time reducing confidence in the courts. Similarly, no one expects justice from a court that is a "pawn of the U.S." The disappearance of trust in international courts, one of the fundamental pillars of the current global system, will also call the system into question, and the U.N. may collapse and be replaced by anarchy and chaos solely to protect the occupying and genocidal Israel.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Nov 1st, 2024 at 07:53:55 PM EST

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