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A poem for those mocked and gaslighted for decrying the genocide of the Palestinian people.

At her October 25 rally in Houston, Kamala Harris told pro-Palestine protestors to leave her rally and "rally down the street." Shortly thereafter, during the same rally, she said that her campaign is the one for "freedom and democracy." Her response to demonstrators, mirrored by our news media, have repeatedly mocked Americans who decry the genocide of the Palestinian people.


    We have arms to sell.
    We have pockets to line.
    We have senators and congressmen to elect and elevate.
    We have senators and congressmen to defeat and displace.
    And a president withering away,
    And a possible first woman president,
    And a possible forever term president.

    You are not a witness to a genocide.
    What genocide?

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Nov 3rd, 2024 at 08:31:29 PM EST
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