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Despite a long background in far-right radicalism, youthful Taylor Rose's campaign enjoys deep and broad support within the state's GOP | SPLC - 10 Oct 2016 |

Taylor Rose also authored a book in 2012 titled Return of the Right: How the Political Right Is Taking Back Western Civilization, which argued that Western humanists are attempting to impose a "vision to destroy the nation-state, eliminate religion, break down all defined barriers in society (such as family) and eliminate western civilization from the face of the earth in the attempt to institute a radical, multicultural, New World Order agenda." In the book, Rose argued that this nefarious plot is failing because "the Western world is coming to realize the complete emptiness and harm of belief systems that are at their core, nihilistic."

The neo-Confederate hate group the League of the South interviewed Rose about the book when it came out. During the interview, Rose continued to warn of the evil nature of "the Left" and predicted that a white nationalist Right would soon rise to the fore in global politics. "You will first see the Right-Wing act as a great power of political influence, mainly upon the center-right, by reorienting the ideas of the center-right to reform immigration policy and take a more hard-line anti-Socialist stance."

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Oct 30th, 2024 at 07:56:36 PM EST
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