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Anti-Muslim sentiment sees alarming surge in Europe: Report TRT World |

EU Agency for Fundamental Rights report highlights a sharp increase in anti-Muslim sentiment, with 47 percent of Muslim respondents reporting racial discrimination, up from 39 percent in 2016.


Nearly half of Muslims living in Europe face racism and discrimination in their daily lives, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has said in a report.
The report Being Muslim in the EU, released on Thursday and based on 2022 data, highlighted a sharp increase in anti-Muslim sentiment, with 47 percent of Muslim respondents reporting racial discrimination, up from 39 percent in 2016.

The survey shed light on the increasing challenges faced by Muslims across the EU, particularly in employment and housing.

"Muslims most often face discrimination when looking for work (39 percent) or in the workplace (35 percent)," it said.

It underscored that these issues have ripple effects in other areas, such as housing, education, and health care.


Muslims in the European Union: Discrimination and Islamophobia | DW News - 18 Dec 2006 |

The report by the Vienna-based organization said European Muslims were "over-represented in low-paying sectors of the economy," living in poor housing conditions, with below-average education leading to low-skilled jobs or unemployment.

"Many European Muslims, particularly young people, face barriers to their social advancement," the report said. "This could give rise to a feeling of hopelessness and social exclusion."

The EUMC, which is to become the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights in 2007, cited incidents "ranging from verbal abuse to physical attacks and arson" but added that little data was available on them as most EU countries do not report suspected racial or religious motivation behind many crimes.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sat Oct 26th, 2024 at 03:05:24 PM EST

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