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As Dutch PM giving full support for the genocidal warfare conducted by close friend Netanyahu and the Jewish State of Israel. He too helped the Dutch economy into a downward spiral as a Biden whisperer from 2014 forward. Losing both Unilever, Royal Shell and Gasunie joint venture with Germany and Russia.

NATO Mark Rutte will charm president Trump in attack on Moscow

New NATO chief Mark Rutte tells allies to ignore Russian leader Putin's sabre rattling | Sky News |

Mr Rutte was blunt when quizzed whether NATO allies should heed Russian sabre rattling.

"No, they shouldn't, and they don't," he said.

He continued: "NATO is strong. We can face any adversary. We have everything in place to make sure that NATO is safe and secure, and that we can fight off any threat. And we will never be intimidated by anyone outside NATO trying to threaten us. So that is of no use he could better stop that."

Against the backdrop of increased Russian nuclear weapons threats over Ukraine, NATO is due to begin its yearly Steadfast Noon nuclear exercise next week.

It will be led by Belgium and the Netherlands, use eight military bases and involve 2,000 personnel and 60 aircraft from 13 nations.

The drills involve various aircraft, including bombers, fighter escorts, refueling aircraft, and planes capable of reconnaissance and electronic warfare.

This year, the first F-35A from the Dutch Air Force was declared ready to perform nuclear roles.

The Netherlands with a neo-fascist leadership and majority [PVV-VVD-NSC-BBB] is Trump ready for any eventuality.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Fri Oct 25th, 2024 at 10:52:23 AM EST

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