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Letters from an American - 2 May 2024

Comment: Barry Gerber May 3

I'm Jewish. I've seen a lot of antisemitism in my life. I'm now watching Israel destroy what took it and its allies years to build in the Middle East. If anyone is stoking antisemitism it is Israel and its supporters. It's hard to love a country that has killed 35,000 plus Palestinian civilians in retaliation for the admittedly horrible Hamas attack that killed 1,200 plus Israelis. That's 70,000+ Palestinian eyes for 2,400+ Israeli eyes. Hardly fair by biblical standards.

The well funded repression of protest against Israeli Zionism in the name of fighting antisemitism has to stop. There will be no peace in the world until all hypocritical self interest, whether from the left, right or middle, ends.

Based on my 82 years living in a cesspool of hypocrisy I don't expect I'll see peace in my time. I do, however, wish all younger than me good luck in taming the forces of naïveté and evil that seem to rule, especially in times of chaotic trauma like these.

Heather Cox Richardson ... the Biden whisperer. A no go on foreign policy.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Oct 6th, 2024 at 08:28:13 PM EST
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