Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
In my analysis of 21st century developments you refer to secondary effects only. The roots of the alt-right started for the Republicans under Barry Goldwater (1964)and it went underground but quietly expanded. The Clinton years set the stage for both isolation of the Russian Federation and the upheaval of the Middle East with ally Israel. Netanyahu Zionist policy took hold and expanded from there. The 9/11 attacks were visible from mid 90s and changed the Western world ... Netanyahu personally equated the Palestinian question with Al Qaeda terror ... the Neocon wars according to the Project for the New American Century too were rooted in the mid 90s.

The Covid-19 pandemic became the upbeat for Trump's MAGA policy shunning  Communist China a decade ago a fool's errand to treat Kim Jong Un and Putin as "friendly" dictators. Trump clearly went off the reservation.

The BreXit drama and flow of Syrian refugees into Europe (2015) was the result of xenophobia and Islamophobia post Bush's War on Terror. The role of NATO in the Iraq and Afghan wars was a setting to let the "defense alliance" grow far beyond its founding principles ... it became an expeditionary force for Washington elites.

Fascism is just a small step away ... Joe Biden to my disappointment had been clearly a warmonger and added fuel the Trump's MAGA policy and helped ruin the Middle East along with Zionist buddy Bibi.

European Union expansion YES .... NATO expansion and aggression NO.

It is a choice between Peace ☮️ and War with destruction 🔥 🔥

My diary @BooMan in 2018 ...

Signs of Fascism in a Post-Democratic State

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Nov 3rd, 2024 at 09:17:34 AM EST

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