Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
A single post added to my 2018 diary as Democrats were already exposed to war rhetoric and anti-Putism as foreign policy: "Make Russia a parish state," both Ivo Daalder and John Kerry @TheAtlanticCouncil.

Bernie Sanders says doesn't believe Israel on Gaza | Ynet News |

  • "My assessment is that Israel 'overreacted' in its response to violent rioting on the Gaza border, Sanders says in CNN interview; 'Gaza is a disaster right now. We're going to continue to see those kinds of demonstrations and protests unless the world community recognizes the problem in Gaza."

In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, Sanders was asked if he accepted Israel's version that most of the Palestinian dead were terrorists who directed attacks against Israel under the cover of protesters.

 « click for more info »

"No, I don't," Sanders responded. "My understanding is you have tens of thousands of people who were engaged in a non-violent protest. I believe now 15 or 20 people, Palestinians, have been killed, and many many others have been wounded. So I think it's a difficult situation, but my assessment is that Israel overreacted on that."

United States leadership living in a parallel universe ...

Full diary published @EuroTrib today ...

Israel's Gaza Deaths 'An Overreaction'

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Nov 3rd, 2024 at 12:54:46 PM EST
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